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Data Analytics For Everyone.
Data Analytics skills will help you stand out in today's competitive job market. Get trained by experienced data analysts in Singapore to develop expertise in most require skills for data analyst i.e. Excel, SQL, Tableau, Data Storytelling and Data Visualisation.
50% Scholarship
Instructor-led Online Class
Learn with ChatGPT
Having skills in Data Analytics can lead to higher salaries in the job market.
Fresh tech graduates from S'pore unis bag highest starting pay of over $5,600: Survey
- The Straits Times FEB 2023
Learning data analytics is crucial in today's data-driven world as it can provide individuals with the skills to analyse large data sets and extract insights that can drive business decisions.

By gaining expertise in data analytics, individuals can enhance their career opportunities in various industries and earn a higher salary, as these skills are in high demand.

With the exponential growth of data, learning data analytics is becoming increasingly essential, and it can provide a competitive edge in the job market.
Data Analytics Course Overview
Course is suitable for Student / Youth / Fresh Graduate and PMET
Beginner Level - Our Data Analytics course is designed to upskill individuals with no prior background or experience in this field
Get certified in Data Analytics in Singapore with our program. Our certification validates your expertise in data analytics and can enhance your career opportunities
Instructor-led Online Classes
Active Learning methods, Classes are not boring
Add Point For Capstone Project
Data Analytics Course Objectives
Data analytics techniques
Data storytelling and visualisation steps and techniques
Types of visuals and choose the correct visual
How to use various sources of data, clean and enrich
Create charts, dashboard and analysed data to gather data insights in Excel
Create charts, dashboard and storytelling in Tableau
Communicate data-driven insights and findings to internal and external customers/stakeholders
Tools Covered in Data Analytics Course
Course Fees
Course Fees
70% Discounted Course Fee
Data Analytics Course in Singapore Date and Time
Choose from our flexible course schedules outside working hours. We have timeslots available on weekday evenings or on weekends.
7 lessons
3 hours each lesson
Online led classes via Zoom
1 Instructor
Data Analyst Course Syllabus
A comprehensive syllabus is designed for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced learners. It also includes relevant new topics in the market.
Data Analytics Course Instructors
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Frequently asked Questions